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Klarna Payments Opencart 3.x Whit Order Managment

Klarna Payments Opencart 3.x Whit Order Managment Moduli Opencart Pagamenti
Klarna Payments Opencart 3.x Whit Order Managment
  • Disponibilità: 999
  • Model: KPOC3
Prodotto Visualizzato: 1812
Imponibile: €99,00

Opzioni disponibili

Klarna Payments Opencart 3.x Whit Order Managment

With Klarna Payments you can choose the payment that you want, Pay Now, Pay Later or Slice It. No credit card numbers, no passwords, no worries.


  • Klarna Payments funziona per i commercianti in Australia, Austria, Belgio, Canada, Danimarca, Germania, Finlandia, Francia, Italia, Olanda, Norvegia,  Nuova Zelanda, Svezia, Spagna, Svizzera, United Kingdom and Stati Uniti.
  • E richiesto un certificato SSL valido.
  • Supports Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), required for transactions within the European Economic Area (EEA).

Dettagli e Compatibilità Paesi: 

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Ireland (Republic of Ireland)
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Complement your checkout with a Klarna hosted widget located in your existing checkout which offers payment options for customers with a smooth user experience.

Klarna is one of Europe’s largest banks and is providing payment solutions for 90 million consumers across 200,000+ merchants in 19 countries. Klarna offers direct payments, pay after delivery options and instalment plans in a smooth one-click purchase experience that lets consumers pay when and how they prefer to.

Klarna delivers

– Klarna is globally compliant.
– Klarna absorbs all credit and fraud risk.
– Klarna is widely supported across Europe.

You benefit

– You will see an increase in conversions and order value. – You will reach a new audience.
– You will always get paid.

Complement your checkout with a Klarna hosted widget located in your existing checkout which offers payment options for customers with a smooth user experience.

The Klarna payments widget enables the preferred and optimal payment options to be shown, and if we see that a customer is not eligible for a particular offering, they aren’t shown it at all. This tailoring of the offering, not just to consumers but also to products, has a positive effect on the average order value.

Offering shoppers unique payment options boosts purchasing power and creates a valuable, intuitive experience driving higher spends, increasing loyalty and tangible ROI.

Choose the products methods that works for you:

Buy now,​ Pay later

Pay later in full is a deferred payment that gives shoppers an extra 14 or 30 days to try before they buy.

Spread the cost with ​Pay later in installments (available for UK & US)

Pay later lets you split your payment into four (US) or three (UK) smaller, interest-free amounts.

Pay over time with​ Slice it

Slice it offers long-term, monthly payments to make larger purchases possible for your customers.

Pay now​, with direct payments

Pay now accepts all direct payments for a fast, convenient checkout.

Payment method availability may differ per market.

Do you want to know more? Take a look at the smoooth hand book to make sure you’re getting 100% from your Klarna products.

How to Get Started

  1. Sign up for Klarna To offer your customers the benefit of paying with Klarna, you must first sign up for a Klarna account and gain access to the Klarna Merchant Portal. You’ll be up and running in no time with our new onboarding. If your business is registered in the United States please sign up here.
  2. Install the plugin on your site.
  3. Journal 3 Compatibile
  4. Klarna was developed on default opencart template. But can be work fine whit most template. Some template need customizzation.

Merchant Portal access always included.

You will get access to a backend in which you can manage everything Klarna.

  • Activate On-site Messaging, read more​ ​here​.
  • Get valuable customer insights and see how you are performing.

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